• Estudiante del programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Informática y de Telecomunicaciones.
    • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    • Madrid – España, Actualmente
  • Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones.
    • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    • Madrid – España, 2013 
  • Maestría en Redes y Comunicaciones
    • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
    • Quito – Ecuador, 2013
  • Diplomado Superior en Diseño Curricular
    • Escuela Politécnica del Ejército
    • Quito – Ecuador, 2008
  • Ingeniero de Sistemas e Informática 
    • Escuela Politécnica del Ejército 
    • Quito – Ecuador, 2002


  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito–Ecuador (Docente Pregrado, desde 2019).
  • Universidad Católica, Cuenca–Ecuador (Docente Posgrado, desde 2018).
  • Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra–Ecuador (Docente Posgrado, desde 2016).
  • Universidad de las Américas, Quito–Ecuador (Docente Posgrado, desde 2014).
  • Escuela Politécnica del Ejército – ESPE, Quito–Ecuador (Docente Posgrado, desde 2013).
  • Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Ambato-Ecuador (Docente Posgrado, desde 2008).
  • Escuela Politécnica del Ejército – ESPE, Quito-Ecuador 
    • Director de la Carrera de Tecnología en Computación, 2011 – 2012.
    • Jefe de los Laboratorios de Aplicaciones Móviles y Software Libre, 2008 – 2011.
    • Coordinador del Área de Conocimiento de Computación Básica, 2007 – 2010.
    • Coordinador Académico, CTT-ESPE-CECAI, 2004 – 2005.
    • Docente Tiempo Completo, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (Nombramiento), desde 2006.
    • Docente Tiempo Completo en el Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, 2003 - 2007.
    • Docente Tiempo Parcial, 2002 - 2003.
  • Universidad de las Américas, Quito–Ecuador (Docente Pregrado, 2005 – 2008)


Estudio comparativo de software para virtualización sobre plataformas Linux para Data Centers

Estudio Comparativo de Plataformas Virtualizadas sobre Linux”, publicado en la Revista GEEKS-DECC-REPORT Tendencias en Computación. Revista técnica del Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Vol. 1., No. 4 pp: 32-45, Diciembre de 2013, ISSN 1390-5236, Quito – Ecuador.

Generación de Datos Semánticos a partir de una Base de Datos Relacional de una Institución de Educación Superior

Generación de Datos Semánticos a partir de una Base de Datos Relacional de una Institución de Educación Superior”, Published in LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI, 2014), to be held in July 22-24, 2014, Guayaquil – Ecuador.

Facebook y su correlación con Big Data y Hive

Facebook y su correlación con Big Data y Hive”, Published in LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI, 2015), to be held in July 29-31, 2015, Santo Domingo – República Dominica.

Diseño y Optimización de un Modelo de Carga Masiva de Datos: Aplicando Motores de Búsqueda orientados al Comercio Electrónico

Diseño y Optimización de un Modelo de Carga Masiva de Datos: Aplicando Motores de Búsqueda orientados al Comercio Electrónico”, Accepted for publication in Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Transferencia de Conocimiento (CIITC 2016),  to be held in October 25-27, 2016, Quito – Ecuador.

Diseño de un Modelo Interactivo de Geolocalización como Tecnología de Aplicación para la Computación Ubicua a través de Dispositivos Móviles

Diseño de un Modelo Interactivo de Geolocalización como Tecnología de Aplicación para la Computación Ubicua a través de Dispositivos Móviles”, Accepted for publication in Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Transferencia de Conocimiento (CIITC 2016),  to be held in October 25-27, 2016, Quito – Ecuador.

Análisis de la contaminación del aire en viviendas unifamiliares mediante el uso de serie temporales e Inteligencia de Negocio

"Análisis de la contaminación del aire en viviendas unifamiliares mediante el uso de serie temporales e Inteligencia de Negocio". Published in 12ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologías de Información (CISTI 2017), to be held in June 21-24, 2017, Lisboa – Portugal

Balance Control by Diffuse Logic for a Phoenix Hexapod Robot

“Balance Control by Diffuse Logic for a Phoenix Hexapod Robot”, Published in 13th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2017), to be held in July 29-31, 2017, Guilin, China

Early detection of Alzheimer's using digital image processing through iridology, an alternative method

“Early detection of Alzheimer's using digital image processing through iridology, an alternative method”. Published in 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), to be held in June 13-16, 2018, Caceres, Spain.

Business Model as a mobility strategy based on Cloud Services to reduce the closure of SMEs in Ecuador

“Business Model as a mobility strategy based on Cloud Services to reduce the closure of SMEs in Ecuador”, has been published in 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), to be held in May 3-5, 2019, Heraklion, Greece.

A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident Management Capability for Security and Privacy'

“A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident Management Capability for Security and Privacy'', has been published in 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), to be held in May 3-5, 2019, Heraklion, Greece.

Dimensional Data Model for Early Alerts of Malicious Activities in a CSIRT

“Dimensional Data Model for Early Alerts of Malicious Activities in a CSIRT”, Published in International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS2017), to be held in July 9-12, 2017, Seattle – USA.

Optimización de un modelo de carga masiva de datos mediante motores de búsqueda para sitios web orientados al Comercio Electrónico

“Optimización de un modelo de carga masiva de datos mediante motores de búsqueda para sitios web orientados al Comercio Electrónico”. Published in 6th International Conference on Software Processes Improvement) (CIMPS 2017), to be held in October 18-20, 2017, Zacatecas, México

Interactive Geo-location Based Service Application as Pervasive Computing through Mobile Devices

“Interactive Geo-location Based Service Application as Pervasive Computing through Mobile Devices”. Published in IEEE CHILECON 2017, to be held in October 18-20, 2017, Pucón, Chile.

A BI Solution to Identify Vulnerabilities and Detect Real-Time Cyber-Attacks for an Academic CSIRT”

“A BI Solution to Identify Vulnerabilities and Detect Real-Time Cyber-Attacks for an Academic CSIRT”, Published in Computing Conference 2018, to be held in July 10-12, 2018, London, United Kingdom.

Cloud Computing - Design of a Management Model for Service Migration using ITIL as Knowledge Manager

“Cloud Computing - Design of a Management Model for Service Migration using ITIL as Knowledge Manager”, Published in 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), to be held in March 21-24, 2018, Funchal, Portugal.

Analysis and real-time monitoring of air quality in single-family homes through the use of the time series and business intelligence

“Analysis and real-time monitoring of air quality in single-family homes through the use of the time series and business intelligence”. Published in 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), to be held in June 13-16, 2018, Caceres, Spain.

Early Alert Infrastructure for Earthquakes through Mobile Technologies, Web, and Cloud Computing

“Early Alert Infrastructure for Earthquakes through Mobile Technologies, Web, and Cloud Computing”, Published in International Conference on Technologies and Innovation (CITI), to be held in November 6-9, 2018, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Use of Virtual Reality using render semi-realistic as an alternative medium for the treatment of phobias. Case Study: Arachnophobia

“Use of Virtual Reality using render semi-realistic as an alternative medium for the treatment of phobias. Case Study: Arachnophobia”, Published in 1st International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI), to be held in November 1-3, 2018, Bogota, Colombia.

Detección de patrones de comportamiento a través de Redes Sociales como Twitter, utilizando técnicas de Minería de Datos como método para detectar el Acoso Cibernético

Detección de patrones de comportamiento a través de Redes Sociales como Twitter, utilizando técnicas de Minería de Datos como método para detectar el Acoso Cibernético”, Published in 7h International Conference on Software Processes Improvement (CIMPS), to be held in October 17-19, 2018, Guadalajara, México.

Performance analysis between a Monolithic Architecture and Microservices Architecture. Using Containers as Virtualization Technology”

“Performance analysis between a Monolithic Architecture and Microservices Architecture. Using Containers as Virtualization Technology”, Published in 7h International Conference on Software Processes Improvement (CIMPS), to be held in October 17-19, 2018, Guadalajara, México.

Device Control System for a Smart Home using Voice Commands: A Practical Case

“Device Control System for a Smart Home using Voice Commands: A Practical Case”, Published in 10th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), to be held in September 22-24, 2018, Manchester, England.

Contextual Analysis of comments in B2C Facebook Fan Pages based on the Levenshtein algorithm

“Contextual Analysis of comments in B2C Facebook Fan Pages based on the Levenshtein algorithm”, Published in the 2019 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS), to be held in February 6-8, 2019, Quito, Ecuador.


Data Analytics on Real-Time Air Pollution Monitoring System Derived from a Wireless Sensor Network

“Data Analytics on Real-Time Air Pollution Monitoring System Derived from a Wireless Sensor Network”, Published in the 2019 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS), to be held in February 6-8, 2019, Quito, Ecuador

Predict the Personality of Facebook Profiles Using Automatic Learning Techniques and BFI Test”

“Predict the Personality of Facebook Profiles Using Automatic Learning Techniques and BFI Test”, has been published in World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’19), to be held in April 16-19, 2019, Galicia, España.

Mobile Application Based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm, to Improve the Inclusion of People with Motor Disabilities Within Urban Areas

“Mobile Application Based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm, to Improve the Inclusion of People with Motor Disabilities Within Urban Areas”, has been published in 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCist'19), to be held in April 16-19, 2019, Galicia, Spain

Metrics and Indicators of Information Security Incident Management: A Systematic Mapping Study

“Metrics and Indicators of Information Security Incident Management: A Systematic Mapping Study”, has been published in The 2019 Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense and Security (MICRADS), to be held in May 8-10, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Visual Analytics applied in the Reduction of Air Pollution on Real Time, Derived from WSN

“Visual Analytics applied in the Reduction of Air Pollution on Real Time, Derived from WSN", has been published in The 2019 Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense and Security (MICRADS), to be held in May 8-10, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Assistance application of people with cognitive disabilities in tasks for their social inclusion

“Assistance application of people with cognitive disabilities in tasks for their social inclusion”, has been published in 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI’19), to be held in June 19-22, 2019, Coimbra, Portugal. Doi. 10.23919/CISTI.2019.8760732

From Cognitive Skills to Automated Cybersecurity Response

“From Cognitive Skills to Automated Cybersecurity Response”, has been published in The 3rd International Conference on Applied Cognitive Computing, to be held in Jul 29 – Aug 01, 2019, Las Vegas, EEUU. ISBN: 1-60132-491-X

Weather Monitoring Architecture for Smart Home Using Alexa, Raspberry Pi, and DarkSky API

“Weather Monitoring Architecture for Smart Home Using Alexa, Raspberry Pi, and DarkSky API”, has been published in 8th International Conference on Software Processes Improvement (CIMPS), to be held in October 23-25, 2019, Guanajuato, México. 10.1109/CIMPS49236.2019.9082423




  • Director de la Carrera de Tecnología en Computación, 2011- 2012.
  • Jefe de los Laboratorios de Aplicaciones Móviles y Software Libre, 2008 – 2011.
  • Coordinador del Área de Conocimiento de Computación Básica, 2007 - 2010.
  • Docente Tiempo Completo en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (Nombramiento).
  • Docente Tiempo Completo en el Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, 2003 - 2007
  • Docente Tiempo Parcial, 2002 - 2003 Coordinador Académico, CTT-ESPE-CECAI, 2004 – 2005
  • Profesor Asistente del Dpto. de Organización y Sistemas, 1997 - 2002


  • Docente Tiempo Parcial, 2005 – 2008.
  • Docente Programas de Maestría, desde 2014


  • Docente Programas de Maestría, desde 2008 hasta la presente.


  • Docente Programas de Maestría, desde 2016.